Cracks in Postmodernity - The Chekhovian Renaissance: Adult Film's post-pandemic theatre revival

JOSH FEYE - Jan. 5, 2024

Through revival, plays and their playwrights produce new meanings and understanding, becoming portals for the soul and contemporary culture. Since the pandemic, Anton Chekhov’s plays are everywhere. At the turn of the twentieth century, before the Russian Revolution, Chekhov, a decadent Russian playwright, explored feelings of nostalgia and the inner world. He has made his grand return to New York stages…


 The Sheila Variations 2.0 - Creating Space, Symbolically and Literally

SHEILA O'MALLEY - Mar. 27, 2023

A couple years ago, through a mutual friend, I became aware of Ryan Czerwonko. We “became friends” on Instagram, and his posts revealed a kindred spirit. He would post on John Cassavetes, Lee Strasberg, Marlon Brando. He is an actor, a director, and seemed - from what I could tell on Instagram - to be working constantly in a close group of actors on films and different projects. We started talking. I learned more about what he was doing. He and some friends had formed Adult Film, a theatre company with a broad scope, operating out of his apartment in Bushwick…


 The Sheila Variations - Re-cap: June 18-19 Adult Film’s Film + Theatre Festival

SHEILA O'MALLEY - Jun. 27, 2023

Ryan Czerwonko is a go-getter, a thoughtful subversive, a committed artist, immersed in theatre history and the precedents set by the giants who came before, he knows his shit, he’s an actor and writer and filmmaker committed to creating a space where good work can flourish, work that doesn’t fit into the little ideological boxes so prevalent in theatre right now (and everywhere else, I suppose), where the Message is more important than the Story…